

Hand Bouquet Delivery

Weddings, proposals, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays – hand flower bouquets are always the go-to choice for any of these precious moments. The hand bouquet is the most common form of flower arrangement in the world. Now you can get beautiful bouquets from  Flower Chimp Hong Kong.

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Blooming Hand Bouquets in Hong Kong 

When we think of romantic occasions, we think of flowers. And when we think of flowers, we picture a stunning bouquet arrangement. Bouquets are versatile ensembles that can be customised with any flower type. Think about it, every flower known to mankind is available in a bouquet form. From the classic roses to the exotic orchids. Even then, you can’t recklessly arrange flowers together to make something beautiful. It takes care, an eye for detail, and years of experience to create the perfect bouquets. Here at flower chimp, our flower experts curate beautiful designs of flower bouquets and our delivery partners rush them out to you. 


Deliver Stunning Flower Arrangements To Your Loved Ones

The best part about flower bouquets is that they are small enough to courier to your friends and loved ones as gifts. Flower bouquets are ideal as gifts as they are fresh, lively, and come in a burst of colours. There are bouquets for every occasion and moment. Birthday bouquets are the most popular at the moment. When your wife or girlfriend’s birthday rolls around, it’s time to get gift shopping. And what better gift to choose than a fresh ensemble of roses, sunflowers, lilies, or carnations. Our role at Flower Chimp is to bring these awesome bouquets to you. Here are some of our favourite flowers – perfect for any bouquet:

Throw in a little foliage such as fern leaves or Eucalyptus fronds to add a green backdrop to the colourful blossoms and you’re good to go! Now all you need is a kickass delivery service to get your bouquet to the desired location. 


Same-Day Flower Delivery For You!

Often, we want our flowers delivered within the shortest time possible. Since flowers are best when they are fresh, we at Flower Chimp offer same-day delivery on hand bouquets. All you have to do is place your order before the cut-off time and get them by the end of the day. You also have the freedom to choose your time slot for delivery and can customise your bouquet with a sweet message of love and hope to your receiver. Go ahead and place your order today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do! Place your order before the cut-off time of 1:00 PM (Mon-Sun), and we guarantee same-day delivery. - Order Now for Same-Day Delivery
We currently offer two (2) delivery slots and they are: a) 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Order to be placed at least 24 hours or one (1) day in advance b) 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Order can be placed on the same day in the morning before 1:00 PM - Order Now for Same-Day Delivery